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sports performance testing & research Institute




The greatest predictor of any injury is actually the same, regardless of the sport, gender, or location. It is the recurrence rate, the probability that such an injury occurs again.  Injury prevention exercises help build the strength and body control so the athlete is able to sustain the repetitive loads and avoid extraneous or aberrant movements that lead to injuries.  There is no exact science to prevent every injury, but some are predictable.



​Why would you do this test?  Injury prediction is not an exact science but can be identified early using several balance and range of motion tests grouped together.   The science behind this is straight forward.  Muscle weakness or instability in the knee and ankle joints is an early indicator for pending injuries.  Conversely, reduced muscle and tendon range of motion is an early indicator for muscle sprains and strains.



Who is this test recommended for?  Injury prediction testing is recommended for all athletes of all ages participating and any sport.



How often should you repeat this test?  Injury prediction testing is recommended every 6-12 months and can be incorporated as part of an injury recovery process.



​Which body parts are or can be tested?  Injury prediction can be adapted to predict most every injury in any part of an athletes body.



What are the results of this test?  The results of an injury prediction are not 100% conclusive, but rather are designed to serve as a guideline of areas at risk.



 What does this help to improve?  Injuries are one of the part of sports we all wish could be completely eliminated but unfortunately cannot be.  Just as a previous injury has a high likelihood of being re-injured, so to do areas of the body that have reduced strength or range of motion.  For example a soccer player with weak ankles or knees is likely to sustain injuries throughout a given season.  As obvious as this may be sports science has been slow to develop testing metrics that warn these athletes of pending injuries.  




© Energize Sports Performance Testing

5201 Spire Circle

Geneva | Ohio | 44041


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