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sports performance testing & research Institute


RANGE of motion


Range of motion testing or flexibility testing is important in determining the cause and severity of issues you may be having with joint movement.  Improper flexibility or range of motion can cause pain and limitations in your muscles activities.  Left untested range of motion related issues will result in your body compensating and shifting responsibility to another body part which will reduce performance and effect your ability to use proper form.



​Why would you do this test?  Range of motion or flexibility testing is important in determining the cause and severity of issues you may be having with joint movement.  Reduced range of motion in an athletes body can lead to more injuries throughout the playing season. 



Who is this test recommended for?  Range of motion testing is recommended for all athletes regardless of their age or the sport they play.



How often should you repeat this test?  Range of motion testing is recommended every 6-12 months unless recovering from an injury.



​Which body parts are or can be tested?  Range of motion testing can analyze virtually every part of an athletes body.



What are the results of this test?  Apart from physical examination, ROM evaluation is most frequently performed using a device called a goniometer, an instrument that measures the angle at a joint. Goniometers measure range of motion in degrees, from zero to 180 or 360, to be used on particular joints.



 What does this help to improve?  Range of motion exercises are designed to move the joint and soft tissues through the available physiologic ranges of motion. The purpose of range of motion exercises is to prevent the development of adaptive muscle shortening, contractures, and shortening of the capsule, ligaments, and tendons.




© Energize Sports Performance Testing

5201 Spire Circle

Geneva | Ohio | 44041


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